2017-2018 RAUN Papers:
Women and Girls in a Changing World: Prospects and Challenges
The Regional Academy on the United Nations (RAUN) is an international and multi-disciplinary program that trains young scholars in issues related to the United Nations and international affairs. Since 2012, RAUN provides young scholars with a platform to broaden their knowledge about the UN, contribute to policy discussions at the United Nations through recommendations from their topical research projects that are directly linked with the priorities of the United Nations. RAUN allows participants to work closely with UN experts, representatives of governments, civil society and academia; raise their cultural awareness and openness about the issues of importance to the global system; and offer a forum for networking and intellectual exchange.
The 2017-2018 RAUN, held from 10 May 2017 to 18 January 2018, took place at a critical juncture as the world is faced with challenging times of conflicts around the world, poverty, inequality, lack of opportunities, and environmental issues, among others. These challenges pose a major threat to everyone, especially women and girls as they continue to suffer discrimination and violence in many parts of the world.
According to the United Nations, gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. In his address after inauguration, the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has pledged to make gender equality one of his top priorities. “I think that one very important element of the agenda (the Secretary-General agenda for his first 100 days in office) will be to give a clear signal that gender parity is a must, [….] gender parity will become a clear priority from top to bottom in the UN. And it will have to be respected by all.”
The 2017-2018 RAUN sessions contributed to the ongoing UN and international debate and discussion on the contribution of women and girls in achieving global peace and security. It will further contribute to the efforts of implementing relevant targets of the Sustainable Development Goals; the United Nations Global Counter Terrorism Strategy; the United Nations Secretary General Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism; Resolution 1325 and its subsequent reviews; other United Nations’ instruments related to involvement of women and girls in global peace and security.
All research topics were focused on innovative approaches to tackling global challenges. A full list of all research topics can be found here.