2021 RAUN Papers:

COVID-19 recovery: towards more resilient and inclusive solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic is the most severe health crisis of our times claiming more than 2 million lives and leading to major disruptions globally. Yet, the pandemic is far more than a health crisis; it also comes with high socio-economic and humanitarian costs. Restrictions in social and economic activities have led to a rise in poverty putting previous achievements in development and gender equality at risk. In 2020, GDP per capita declined by 3,5%, 114 million people lost their jobs, with women, younger workers and other vulnerable groups being affected the most. An estimated 40-60 million people will be pushed into extreme poverty and it is projected that the number of people facing food crises will double. Reflecting pre-existing inequalities, it is often the most vulnerable communities and groups that were hit hardest by the crisis.
Addressing the structural inequalities that were revealed and exacerbated by the pandemic is not only essential to any recovery approach, but also fundamental in order to build a more resilient world in light of possible future threats. In a recovery process that leaves no-one behind, transformative solutions to achieving inclusiveness, development, gender equality and education are needed. Furthermore, this multi-faceted crisis calls for holistic and sustainable responses that can only be found and achieved through cooperative efforts. 

“The pandemic has revealed the deep fragilities in our world. To tackle these fragilities, we need to reduce inequality and injustice, and to strengthen the bonds of mutual support and trust.”

— United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres (10 January 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic is the most severe health crisis of our times claiming more than 2 million lives and leading to major disruptions globally. Yet, the pandemic is far more than a health crisis; it also comes with high socio-economic and humanitarian costs. Restrictions in social and economic activities have led to a rise in poverty putting previous achievements in development and gender equality at risk. In 2020, GDP per capita declined by 3,5%, 114 million people lost their jobs, with women, younger workers and other vulnerable groups being affected the most. An estimated 40-60 million people will be pushed into extreme poverty and it is projected that the number of people facing food crises will double. Reflecting pre-existing inequalities, it is often the most vulnerable communities and groups that were hit hardest by the crisis.
Addressing the structural inequalities that were revealed and exacerbated by the pandemic is not only essential to any recovery approach, but also fundamental in order to build a more resilient world in light of possible future threats. In a recovery process that leaves no-one behind, transformative solutions to achieving inclusiveness, development, gender equality and education are needed. Furthermore, this multi-faceted crisis calls for holistic and sustainable responses that can only be found and achieved through cooperative efforts. 

The RAUN 2021 will engage young scholars from diverse disciplines to do research on the global challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the lessons learned from it. A particular focus will be placed on understanding how structural inequalities have contributed to aggravating the impacts of the pandemic and its implications for vulnerable communities. The goal is to develop solutions that help building resilience and prepare societies for future major challenges and crises in an inclusive and equal manner. Here, we will also consider the potential contribution of multilateral and multi-stakeholder solutions  that involve a range of different actors and partners. How can we initiate a transformative recovery process to create a more equal, sustainable and resilient post-COVID-19 world, in which no-one is left behind?