Isabel Sáenz Hernández

Isabel Sáenz Hernández holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Lleida. She currently works as a postdoctoral researcher at Pompeu Fabra University and has previously worked as a researcher and professor at the University of Lleida. She is a member of the DemoSoc research group on sociodemography. Her research focuses on multilingualism, education and social inequalities related to migration.

She has collaborated with several international academic organizations, as a visiting researcher at Radboud University (the Netherlands) and as a guest lecturer at Padua University (Italy) and Sophia University (Japan), as well as multiple academic conferences. She also conducted a 6-month internship at the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

She participated in RAUN first as a research fellow (2022-2023), when her team conducted a research study titled “Bullying in Spanish high schools: Intersection of Gender and Immigrant Background” which was later published in the academic Journal Children and Society. She later participated as a peer+ supporting her assigned group on the topic of climate change and migration.

Academic publications:

·        Sáenz-Hernández, I., Janés, J., Ubalde, J., & Lapresta-Rey, C. (2024). Regional, state, and immigrants’ heritage languages in high school: The effect of geographic origin and linguistic acculturation profiles on language attitudes. International Journal of Bilingualism, 0(0).

·        Fernandez-Ardévol, M., Suárez-Gonzalo, S., & Sáenz-Hernández, I. (2024). Desigualtat digital i vellesa : la bretxa digital que encara cal tancar [Digital inequality and old age: the digital divide that still needs to be closed].

·        Sáenz-Hernández, I., Petreñas, C., Lapresta-Rey, C., & Ubalde, J. (2023). ‘They speak Arabic to make teachers angry’: High-school teachers’ (de)legitimization of heritage languages in Catalonia. Linguistics and Education, 78(September), 101232.

·        Sáenz‐Hernández, I., Ginoyan, K., Goigner, K., & Slapakova, L. (2023). Bullying in Spanish high schools: Intersection of gender and immigrant background. Children & Society.

·        Hinostroza Castillo, U.; Sáenz Hernández, I.; Senar Morera, F.; Petreñas Caballero, C.; Ianos, A.; Sansó Galiay, C.; Jardí Ferré, A.... (2022). Educational inclusion and accessibility: The implementation of the methodology based on Universal Learning Design in university classrooms. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 856-867.

·        Lapresta-Rey, C., Sáenz-Hernández, I., Senar, F., & Janés, J. (2022). Las actitudes lingüísticas de los descendientes de migrantes en Cataluña. Análisis de sus predictores. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones, 28(28), 161–191.

·        Sáenz-Hernández, I., Lapresta-Rey, C., Petreñas, C., & Ianos, M. A. (2021). When immigrant and regional minority languages coexist: linguistic authority and integration in multilingual linguistic acculturation. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1–14.

·        Sáenz- Hernández, I., Lapresta-Rey, C., Ianos, M. A., & Petreñas, C. (2020). Identity and linguistic acculturation expectations. The attitudes of Western Catalan high-school students towards Moroccans and Romanians. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 75, 10–22.

·        Petreñas, C., Sansó, C., Janés, J., Caballé, E., Torres, M., & Sáenz-Hernández, I. (2019). Conclusions. In C. Lapresta & A. Huguet (Eds.), Multilingualism in European language education. Multilingual Matters.


·        United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) (2023). Human rights in the digital era. Learnings on local governance from pilots in Europe.